Use Events

The touch events are either flicks or gestures, and they occur on the ImageXView control. These events will fire if the user has connected an event handler. The events will fire whether or not the built-in gesture support is enabled or disabled.

The touch events are:

Each event has its own unique event argument class specific to that event. These event argument classes provide all of the information available from the Windows operating system about the touch event.

Some gestures support multiple events throughout the lifetime of the gesture. These events support the .NET event naming convention of ending with the suffix "Occurring" if the event has just started or is still continuing to occur. The event will end in "Occurred" when the event has finished. This gives the developer the choice to respond only to the last occurrence of the gesture. Sometimes these gestures that have multiple events will fire even when there is no change in the gesture. These extraneous events are filtered by default with the Touch.GestureOccurringEventsFiringMode property. The developer can change the setting on this property to see all of the events that are fired during the lifetime of the gesture.

Other events that fire just once will have a single event.



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